The most effective,
fast and profitable
pre-cooling technology

That exists in the world market to cool flowers (except tropical flowers), aromatics, fresh vegetables, potted plants and berries and small fruits.

As a result: A uniform cooling, at the end of the process, the surface and the interior of the product end up with almost the same temperature (it is not partial, as is the case with other Refrigeration processes).


It diminishes the enzymatic oxidation of the microorganisms, avoiding the withering aspect of the product.

It removes free moisture and minimizes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms such as Botrytis Cinerea.

It precludes overloading the capacity of coolers and allows them to maintain constant temperature, providing efficiency and energy savings.
Reduces generation and release of ethylene while increasing flower tolerance to both own as exogen, slowing down speed of senescence.

Much more efficient and cost-effective

PROCESS THAN ANY OTHER COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, Applicable to flowers and leafy produce.

We know how to cool and maintain your flowers from origin to destination…

From origin




To destination

We reengineer the flower industry in Colombia (BOG and MDE) and Ecuador (UIO) for the USA and other markets, in order to comply with the MINDFUL SPENDING that consumers require at the NEW NORMAL after pandemic and to provide the MAGICAL EXPERIENCE that flowers deserve.

Keep the magic flowing

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