What is Vacuum Cooling?
The reduction in temperature via vacuum cooling is achieved by Rapid evaporation of water

When the atmospheric pressure inside the Vacuum Vessel is lowered to the desired level by the vacuum pump, this allows more heat to be pulled out of the product.
Cold chain technology
Greener technology
It is “intelligent”
Each flower or part of it, whichever its location in the cooling chamber (or box or wetpack), responds individually and goes down to the desired temperature, while getting rid of objectionable free water at a controlled and known ratio and therefore the results are very homogeneous.
Prevent damage
When properly and timely applied, vacuum cooling prevents botrytis and other fungi, bentnecks, dehydration, wilting, ethylene damages and even mechanical damages. Vacuum cooling extends vase life of flowers.

the carbon footprint
Since Colombia holds the second place among flowers exporters worldwide and the first into the USA, it is very important to find and implement an efficient strategy to reduce carbon emissions, which involves substantial use of proper maritime transportation and our cold chain expertise.
The Bogota to Miami late historic records (2019) showed that 256.000 tons CO2 were generated via airfreight whereas seaway (including a ground path to Cartagena) it would have been only 18,368 tons CO2: A REDUCTION OF ALMOST 93%
Further, after travelling in best possible cold chain conditions, those flowers do not need to be re-cooled again, saving time, energy and labor costs.
Vacuum Cooling at origin is the best treatment, before container loading, that would preclude erratic results and ensure perfect outcomes, even with difficult species such as hydrangeas.